International, National, Regional, Local (Love)
Using humor and topical imagery, the series examines what both general and art culture mean by the words International, National, Regional, and Local.
In the wider cultural landscape, especially in urban centers, the word International is a double-edged sword whose use reflects the mechanics of a capitalist consumer society (courting, exploiting, then owning the exotic). The words National, Regional, and Local, coupled again with the word Love, are treated in a similar fashion- both as a critique of facile mystification, and as serviceable notions of place. The project is evocative rather than didactic, and uses visual images and typography (all 4 contain images of transportation, pastry, and graphic elements) to effect it’s non-singular message of citizenship and love.
size and substrate: 3’x10’ each, 4 vinyl banners, and, laser and ink jet print covered bus benches