The Biggest Seed Fruit Nut in the World
Inspired in part by Dome Village (1993-2006), a Los Angeles self-governing homeless encampment, The Biggest Seed Fruit Nut in the World, a far-ranging project that encompasses gallery and street appearances, is a celebration and mash-up of coconuts and dwelling possibilities. Amongst the many uses of the coconut is its less tangible ability to embody hope, delirium, and functionality. The collision of coconuts, shelter, palm trees, and mistakes feature in the digital drawings and collage works. Protagonists, in the form of creatures in red caps (including Zaha Hadid, Mother Teresa, a hobo-clown, and a fire-breathing dragon), populate the thematically linked and pattern-fixated works. Both an embrace of visual pleasure and a deceptively playful critique of domestic fantasy, the project travels through the sublime, the nutty, the optical, and the architectural. 2008
A short essay on the project by Ryan Hill, Curatorial Research Associate and Manager of Interpretive Programs, Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, and all/larger images can be found in pdf below.
visit The Biggest Seed Fruit Nut in the World's sister project, Your Urban Oasis